Accepted sessions
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Session | Experience level | Track |
Relation , , Relation is a new module to create relationships between entities. In this session you will see some of the feature of this extremely powerful module. See how easy it is to create one relation... |
Advanced | Site Building and Environment Set-up |
Scalability and Performance Options , , , NodeOne - Tomas Persson Voxel - Sam Machiz, VP of... |
Day Stage | |
Scaling the Drupal Community , The Drupal ecosystem is changing ... a lot. We have venture financed startups, we're powering 2% of the interwebs, and our community has already seen exponential growth–in 5 years has... |
Beginner | Ecosystem |
Slick Data Sharding: How to Develop Scalable Data Applications With Drupal High-traffic websites that capture a lot of data from users often encounter performance problems when database input becomes a bottleneck. High volume user-submitted content (comments, ratings,... |
Intermediate | Code & Coders |
So What's this "Drew-paul" Thing You Do? (Explaining Drupal to Others) You're introduced to someone by a friend. The smalltalk begins and you know what's coming. They ask, "What do you do?" The friend who introduced you tries to understand your explanation yet... |
Beginner | Ecosystem |
Successful Communities & the New Breed of Drupal Events , , , The Drupal community landscape is changing. A host of new events is springing up: Design Camps, Dev Days, Business Days, Gov Days, CxO summits, and more. The success of these events in bringing... |
Beginner | Ecosystem |
Survive and Thrive: Drupal(Con) How To , Start DrupalCon off right with jam and Robert, two Drupal(Con) veterans who will get you fired up while passing on helpful tips about getting the most from your experience. This session is an... |
Ecosystem | |
Take Full Control of Your Site Layout with Display Suite for Drupal 7 , Display Suite offers you a drag and drop UI that allows you to easily manage the layout of your site in a consistent and centralized way. In this session we will show you what Display Suite... |
Intermediate | Design, UX and Theming |
Taking Inventory of Drupal Products and App Stores We now live in a world of Drupal products. The first "app store" was announced and launched, and more companies than ever are building (or want to be building) Drupal products. It's time to take a... |
Beginner | Business and Best Practices |
Telenet: Adopting Drupal to Reduce Costs, Improve SEO and Flexibility The Business Case How? |
Business Day | |
The Economist: An Informal Technical Case Study For people interested in big websites and their unique challenges, this panel offers a behind the scenes look at The Economist site. A team of experienced Economist developers will talk about the... |
Intermediate | Business and Best Practices |
The Path to a Mobile Drupal: Techniques, Tools and Failure Recently, I received an email invite for a webinar on mobile device development. I tried to sign up via my iphone, but was told that my mobile device wasn’t supported. True story. |
Beginner | Design, UX and Theming |
The Prairie Initiative - Redesigning the Social Spaces of Since the Prairie Initiative was kicked off at the Chicago Drupalcon earlier this year, a small but active group have been working on achieving our goals of:
Intermediate | Ecosystem |
The Rules Way of Life , Rules 2 for Drupal 7 is a powerful module that can ease your life as site builder drastically. This session will show best practices, tips &... |
Intermediate | Site Building and Environment Set-up |
Theming API When you are actively working on theming in Drupal, you definitely know how should theme an item list or a table. But, there is a big difference between being able to theme most things in Drupal... |
Intermediate | Design, UX and Theming |
This Code Stinks! "Code smell" refers to hints and patterns within code that can be a tip off that something is wrong. Learning to recognize code smells is a critical skill in software engineering. If you can... |
Intermediate | Code & Coders |
Tools for the Ultimate Drupal Developer Experience From local development to our proven cloud platform to site management, Acquia gives Drupal developers the ultimate suite of tools to make Drupal development easy and fun. In this session we'll... |
Day Stage | |
We invented the Web. 20 years later we got Drupal. , CERN is a remarkable organisation dealing with a unique set of challenges in managing its web environment. This session looks at CERN's perspective on adopting Drupal as an Enterprise... |
Beginner | Business Day |
Web Typography & Drupal: Putting Arial Out To Pasture Arial's days are numbered, and we should all celebrate. Come learn about the evolution of web font embedding, how it works, what it can do for your site and your users, and how to make the most of... |
Intermediate | Design, UX and Theming |
Why Drupal Projects Fail: Breaking Down Barriers to Successful Drupal Adoption Drupal is a flexible, feature rich web application platform that many thriving companies leverage as their cornerstone technology. Why, then, do some companies fail horribly when adopting Drupal... |
Beginner | Business and Best Practices |
Why Royal Mail and UK Government Are Shifting towards Open Source and Drupal Why did an organisation like Royal Mail chose Drupal? |
Business Day | |
With One Click Joel Spolsky describes the Joel Test as his "highly irresponsible, sloppy test to rate the quality of a software team" and one of the questions he asks is: Can you make a build in... |
Intermediate | Site Building and Environment Set-up |
Workbench: Managing Content Management , Our clients often come to Drupal with expectations about the features of a content management system (CMS). In many cases, Drupal handles the features they expect. However, not all editorial tools... |
Beginner | Site Building and Environment Set-up |