NodeOne - Tomas Persson
Talking about how Drupal could move towards the cloud and what we need to think about when we scale a Drupal site for 100.000 users.
Voxel - Sam Machiz, VP of Sales Engineering
Brands such as FastCompany, New York Observer, Human Rights Watch and the National Review all count on Voxel to deliver a high performance Drupal experience for their users. We will look at the technical architecture required to deliver this scale of traffic.
Adyax - Maxime Topolov, Co-founder of Adyax
Intended audience
Questions answered by this session
How Drupal is different from any other solution in terms of performance?
What are the major differences in addressing performance issues between anonymous and connected traffic?
How do we scale Drupal for logged in users?
How do we handle caching for logged in users?
What kind of technical architecture approaches help with regards to delivering guaranteed QoS in the face of high-volume but spiky traffic?