Well no need to explain why mobile apps are important! At present you can't really ignore the iOS and Android platforms. Both these technologies have great potential to use our existing web based tools such as Drupal. You can totally use Drupal to manage your iPhone/Android native apps data in cloud.
A sequel to DrupalCon Chicago's and DrupalCon CPH's "Developing Apps for iPhone/iPad/Android using Drupal as Base System" session (more advanced!! more fun!!)
Intended audience
Beginner, iPhone iPad Android app developers, Coders, Curious
Questions answered by this session
Why to use Drupal (in cloud) as base system for your mobile app?
How to use Drupal as base system to manage your mobile application's data (photos, videos, content, users, geo data, taxonomies etc etc)?
How to quickly develop mobile app platforms using Drupal?
How to be an iPhone rockstar without knowing Objective C?
What it means "Titanium with RedHat Openshift and Drupal"??