Our clients often come to Drupal with expectations about the features of a content management system (CMS). In many cases, Drupal handles the features they expect. However, not all editorial tools are a part of Drupal Core, and Drupal has addressed these tools with various contributed modules. As a result, Drupal’s editorial space generally lacks a consistent workflow and interface.
At DrupalCON San Francisco, Palantir.net outlined the opportunities we saw for improving content management workflow in Drupal 7. This presentation introduces the outcomes of that work.
Intended audience
Site builders, architects, user experience designers, people evaluating Drupal.
Questions answered by this session
How do you control content access beyond content type settings?
How do you find the content that relates to each user and that user’s job (which is not necessarily the same as the hierarchy of the site)?
Can you simplify Drupal’s use for content authors, editors, and publishers?
Can you find that file you just uploaded and re-use it?
What framework exists that allows you to extend functionality for your content authors yet still providing a unified user experience?