Wow! 46 training proposals
We were bowled over by the training proposals submitted for Drupal Con.
Diana Dupuis tested the new process and estimates it will take each reviewer 20 minutes to review a proposal. With 3 reviews per proposal, we estimate a total of 46 hours to review all the proposals. That doesn't include writing to the submitters, getting contracts signed, prices negotiated, etc :)
I knew it was ambitious, but I didn't know how ambitious.
Because we're all working hard on our day jobs, with launches and new projects to get off the ground (and a new job for David!), we have to extend the deadline we set for ourselves.
I know you won't be disappointed because we're going to have some excellent opportunities to boost your Drupal skillz in August.
Proposal applicants: If you've submitted a training course, we will notify you April 15th about the status of your application.
Future Students: We'll announce the training courses available to purchase on April 20th!