Training: Experienced Developer but New to Drupal?
Join Acquia's crack team of Drupal mentors in Making the Switch to Drupal, a day long introduction to Drupal for experienced developers.
Drupal’s learning curve is well known as being steep, occasionally frustrating. This is more pronounced when you're a developer experienced with another framework or a custom system. Often official documentation goes right into solving edge cases, but misses the big picture for experienced developers who are new to Drupal.
If that is you, then this is the right course to get you started before DrupalCon.
The trainers from Acquia are Jacob Singh, Joshua Brauer, Jeff Beeman and Erik Webb - all experienced Drupalists who specialise in mentoring and support for developers on their client's internal teams. Each day, they help developers architect migrations, perform site audits, plan for change management; as well as advise on best practices for development and deployment.
Through a series of presentations, hands-on activities and group discussions, you will see how to avoid pitfalls and employ time-saving best practices. You will understand when to leverage contributed modules, and when you need to develop custom code. In one day, you will get the essential information you need to plan your switch to Drupal, and read the blue print before picking up the saw.
The course will run on the pre-conference training day, Monday 22nd August in Croydon. Full details of the course are here. The course costs just £250+VAT and registration is now open.
Join a radio style-webinar: "Learn to Love the Drop: Expert Advice for Novice Drupal Developers"
Jacob Singh is hosting a radio-style call-in type show on the Thursday, 21st July. Jacob has invited special guests from the Drupal community with backgrounds in everything from Java to front-end development. You can listen as a panel of experienced Drupal professionals discuss some of the things they wish they knew, and you can have your burning questions answered directly.
Register to join your host, Jacob Singh for either show (or both!)
Part 1 - 9:00 AM EDT - 2:00 PM GMT (register)
With guests Morten Birch Heide-jørgensen (Morten dk), Camilla Krag Jensen and Joshua Brauer
Part 2 - 1:00 PM EDT - 6:00PM GMT (register)
With guests, Robin Barre, Nikki Stevens, and Joshua Brauer