The DrupalCon London Sponsorship Store is now open for business!
DrupalCon London loves its sponsors because they provide financial support to help fund this important community event and keep conference pass prices low. We are excited to announce that the following companies have already stepped up to sponsor DrupalCon London:
Acquia, Adyax, Amazee Labs, Chapter 3, Commerce Guys, DataFlow, Data In Transit, Evolving Web, Koriolis, Microsoft, Phase2 Technology and Web Spiders.
Sponsoring DrupalCon London allows you to get your message before a targeted audience of Drupal users, developers, themers, businesspeople, and other Web professionals. This year, we anticipate 1500 attendees, which you can engage with a wide range of sponsorship opportunities.
Sponsorship packages are priced to fit any sized budget, starting with the DrupalCon London Supporter package at £430. And, packages are designed to help you achieve your business goals including lead generation, branding, talent recruitment and networking. New this year is the Drupal Business Evaluator Event, which you can sponsor to connect with potential clients. You can learn more about the sponsorship packages and buy online at:
Would you like to see a short video of the venue, sponsor fair and other sponsorship opportunities? Just send Megan Sanicki an email and we can set up a meeting. She will show you the video via Skype. The video helps you understand the foot traffic and the sponsor benefits.
Again, thank you to our sponsors. With your help, the London team is able to put on a amazing event at a price that is one of the lowest in the tech industry!