Deep Dive into the Aegir Hosting System

Jul 11

Today's pre-conference training focus is the special one day course on the Aegir hosting system presented by Koumbit Networks.

" Tasks that would take hours previously, now only take minutes with the automation that Aegir provides," says Christopher Gervais of Koumbit.

The Aegir Hosting System is a scalable solution for deploying and managing Drupal sites. Aegir automates many common server-side tasks, simplifying install, upgrade, clone, backup and restore operations on Drupal sites and platforms. Sysadmins, developers, and site administrators can all benefit from this.

Anyone who has to host more than a couple of Drupal sites will benefit from this course - Aegir is an incredibly powerful system, but has its own learning curve to get it working most effectively. This intense one-day course will get you up and running and also give you the opportunity to ask the experts questions.

Koumbit have sponsored the Aegir 1.0 release and can share their wealth of expertise to get you up and running with Aegir fast. You can see a detailed outline of their course agenda here:

This screencast has an example of Aegir in action and you can also find out more on the Aegir project site.

Of course, most importantly, you'll learn how to pronounce Aegir properly and can spend the rest of DrupalCon correcting your peers.

The course will run on the pre-conference training day, Monday 22nd August form 9:00 until 5:00. Registration is £325 +VAT. Places are limited, so register now!.

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