OXFAM + Drupal = Great
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Oxfam is an international confederation of 15 organizations working together in 98 countries to find lasting solutions to poverty and injustice. Since they need to communicate quickly and richly with their staff, partners, and allies across the world, they turned to Drupal as a framework to help build and power many of their public and private websites. This presentation will focus on how Oxfam is adopting Drupal as an organization to meet its unique goals and will highlight, through case examples, how Drupal is used to power Oxfam's public website (oxfam.org) and their global intranet (sumus.oxfam.org).
The public website (oxfam.org) is one of the leading NGO websites and is an important communication portal used to communicate the work that Oxfam does to a global audience in three different languages. It provides visualizations of the projects Oxfam does across the world, provides important information about the various humanitarian campaigns, and provides the public access to the data rich reports produced by Oxfam on a regular basis.
The global intranet (sumus.oxfam.org) has over 6000 users from across the world. It was built as a joint effort between Oxfam International and Chapter Three leveraging some of the best cutting edge Drupal technologies and group collaboration workflows. Users of Sumus can drag and drop customize their own dashboards, individual working groups can define their own group spaces, documents can be stored and searched in a powerful document library, researchers can use Apache Solr to search across multiple Oxfam Drupal properties, and people everywhere can real time chat using an XMPP powered live chat system.
The session will be given by web developers Joe Baker (from Oxfam) and Matt Cheney (from Chapter Three)
Intended audience
This session is focused on those interested in how an NGO like Oxfam uses Drupal to power important websites and general Drupal developers and site builders looking for new techniques to create collaborative and social websites.
Questions answered by this session
How does an NGO like Oxfam use Drupal?
What techniques can I use to foster collaboration on my Drupal websites?
How can Drupal be used as a global communication platform?
How do I build rich features for my internal users?
How do I design and build a site for a globally diverse set of users?