Accepted sessions

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Sessionsort icon Experience level Track
Drupal Module Developer Challenge by Tropo: Kick-Off

Read more about it here.

Day Stage
Drupal Mergers, Acquisitions & Alliances
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Drupal is a growing and maturing industry. The typical Drupal business is no longer just a small sole proprietor, trying to make ends meet. There is now a wide range of businesses working with...

Beginner Business and Best Practices
Drupal as Base System For Your iPhone Android iPad Apps

Well no need to explain why mobile apps are important! At present you can't really ignore the iOS and Android platforms. Both these technologies have great potential to use our existing web based...

Intermediate Business and Best Practices
Don't Design Websites. Design Web SYSTEMS!

Update 2011-08-25: Slides can be downloaded here. Due to file size restrictions, we had to remove many of the image-heavy slides. You can...

Intermediate Design, UX and Theming
Doing Drupal Security Right

Drupal strives to be a very secure system by design, but it comes with responsibilities for the site architect, maintainer and even the sysadmin to take into account. This session aims at...

Intermediate Site Building and Environment Set-up
dog: A New Era for Drupal Sitebuilding

Dog is a new approach building Drupal sites that deeply embraces Git in order to build portable, deployable Drupal site packages. Dog makes the process...

Intermediate Site Building and Environment Set-up
Developing with Drupal Commerce
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Some of the earliest and most complex deployments of Drupal Commerce have been developed in Europe, including Eurocentres for global language course sales...

Intermediate Code & Coders
Data Migration into Drupal

update: slides posted to Slideshare

So, your client has seen the light and is tossing out their old CMS...

Intermediate Code & Coders
Damn Quick Drupal: How to Make Drupal Perform and Scale Like a Rockstar!

I've often heard folks complain that Drupal doesn't scale well and has issues with performance. You'll hear people saying it isn't suited for large sites, or that it is bloated and too slow. A...

Advanced Code & Coders
Creating and Measuring the User Experience

This session will cover:

  • Methods to flush out requirements and uncover both good and bad ideas
  • Tools and methods to accelerate user...
Beginner Design, UX and Theming
Contributing Without Code

When you think about contributing to Drupal your first thought is usually of patching bugs and writing new features.

If you are not a developer, don't worry! There is a huge opportunity to...

Beginner Ecosystem
Continuous Integration Will Solve Everything

Continuous integration(CI) is the process of which a system is integrated on a continuous basis, leading to multiple integrations in a development cycle. This provides a means to monitor the...

Intermediate Code & Coders
Content Staging and Deployments in Drupal 7

Content staging and deployment strategies are something that many site builders are fighting with. Publishers wants to preview and optimize content or whole sections of a site, before...

Intermediate Site Building and Environment Set-up
Chorion: Migrating and Consolidating Localised Branded Web Sites With Drupal

Chorion is the owner of a number of major brands which it develops globally through the production of family entertainment. Historically Chorion has developed rich flash-based web sites for each...

Business Day
Building Your Drupal Products the Right Way: Customer Development and Business Model Generation in a Lean Startup

Every day more and more companies start using Drupal and the day will come when it'll make all the difference if you are more than just-another-Drupal-shop.

Drupal is a very...

Intermediate Business and Best Practices
Building and Maintaining a Distribution in Drupal 7 with Features

Drupal 7 allows to easily build and maintain distributions, i.e. repeatable website templates; you can benefit from this in all cases, whether you aim at large-scale deployments or even at...

Intermediate Code & Coders
Bridging the Gap Between Desktop and Mobile Publishing with Drupal

While mobile websites are becoming a commodity, many developers still struggle with the task of connecting their Drupal sites with the mobile and tablet world. Thousands of desktop focused sites...

Intermediate Code & Coders - Performance and Scalability

Jonathan Anthony, former CTO of Bounty, will be presenting the adoption of Drupal for, which is the second biggest Drupal Web site in the UK.
He will be addressing the issues...

Business Day
An Introduction to Form Builder - A New Interface for Fields

Through the history of Drupal, there have been several different modules that allow the building of forms: Profile, Flexinode, Survey, Webform, CCK, and D7's Field. All of these set out with...

Intermediate Code & Coders
Aegir: One Drupal to Rule Them All!

This session will illustrate the use of the Aegir hosting system to simplify the life of developers and administrators, by automating the common tasks involved in deploying and managing sites....

Beginner Site Building and Environment Set-up
Aegir-Based Business Models

Aegir is a distributed provisioning system for Drupal that allows you to manage thousands of sites across as many concurrent instances of Drupal on as many servers as you need. At Koumbit...

Intermediate Business and Best Practices
Adaptive, Responsive, Mobile First and Drupal Theming for the Future with HTML5, CSS3 and Omega

As designers/themers we've always been pressed with dealing with screen sizes. I remember the days when we had to worry how many of our site visitors used a 800x600 screen resolution and when we...

Intermediate Design, UX and Theming
A Bulletproof Approach to Theming

Theming is not rocket science, but it can be difficult being a themer on Drupal projects that are larger in scale. Often you find yourself being pulled into projects at an especially unfortunate...

Intermediate Design, UX and Theming

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