core conversations

Jul 14

DrupalCon London Core Conversations

It is our pleasure to announce the core conversations schedule for DrupalCon London! We had an amazing burst of submissions in the last hours of the deadline, and the selection committee (Dries Buytaert, Angela Byron, Greg Dunlap and Larry Garfield) managed to fit almost everyone into the schedule. Thanks to everyone for your participation!

The Core Conversations track is a place for people actively working on Drupal or to meet and plan the future of Drupal. Each session is either two 15 minute or one 30 minute presentation, plus 30 minutes of discussion

Jun 29

Submit your Core Conversations now!

As DrupalCon has grown, many contributors have found it difficult to have focused conversations around core development. These discussions often interest a (relatively) narrow slice of DrupalCon attendees, but it is vitally important to have them on the rare occassions everyone is in the same place. At DrupalCon San Francisco we held a Core Dev Summit on the day before the activities began in earnest. This was a great event but it also meant that the rest of the con had little to address these concerns.

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