DrupalCon Training - Making it better

Schedule Info

Room 331 Part 1

Arranged by


Are you interested in improving the training programs at DrupalCon?

This is a bof for the folks who volunteer to coordinate DrupalCon training past, present and future.

If you were a training provider in the past, we'd love to hear what you'd like to see in the future. What can be done better?

Comments (3)

Update- We are using doodle


1-2pm at Terrac lounge 4th floor. Please tell others!

It is 11 am - we are trying

It is 11 am - we are trying to reschedule this bof.

Diana Dupuis if four kitchens has been asked by DrupalCon to do a session - which causes a conflict.

Please check back for a confirmation of the time!

Course participants too

If you were a training participant we like to hear your experience with marketing, subscription and communication too!

Platinum Sponsors