Schedule Your BoF Now!

Aug 8

If you've never been to a DrupalCon before, you'll probably be wondering what people are talking about when they mention the great BoF session they went to.

A BoF is more formally known as a "Birds of a Feather" session - where groups with similar interests can meet up. The term is derived from the proverb Birds of a Feather flock together or Byrdes of on kynde and color flok and flye allwayes together. in its old English form.

At DrupalCon, many people find the BoF sessions even more useful than the official sessions - they tend to be more niche in topic and with smaller groups. Also, the format is more like an open forum than a lecture.

If you didn't get your session on the main schedule and you think people will be interested in what you have to say, create a BoF - there are no restrictions and the selection process is first come, first served.

If you have a specific topic that you'd really like to talk to other Drupal people about - schedule a BoF and you'll see the like minded people that you may not have met amongst the 1,500 people at the conference.

There is a BoF Scheduler online now so you can go and book your slot now.

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