Drupal Association Members Save £50 on DrupalCon tickets!

Jun 10

Did you know that you can still purchase DrupalCon London tickets at the Early Bird ticket prices of £255 (which includes a ticket to the Official DrupalCon Party) or £230? All you need to save £50 off the ticket price is join the Drupal Association! In addition to discounts to DrupalCon London, Association members save at other service providers and retailers. You can see the other discounts members receive at the Member Benefits page.

Even if you aren't already a member, you'll save approximately £30 if you become an Individual Member and purchase your Early Bird ticket AND you'll get a bunch of benefits including the membership discounts, a listing in the membership directory & annual report, and a badge in your Drupal.org profile to show everyone that you're a part of the Drupal Association. Organization Memberships are also available for about £65. Find out all of the benefits that membership offers & join the Drupal Association at association.drupal.org/membership.

What's the catch?

We've extended the Early Bird prices of £255 which includes a ticket to the Official DrupalCon Party or £230 without a ticket until the 17th of June at 23:59 GMT+1, so you must take advantage of this benefit before then. This is only available at association.drupal.org.

Why join the Drupal Association?

The Drupal Association helps the Drupal community flourish because of the support of its members. Donations and memberships allow the Drupal Association to put on events like DrupalCon with local teams, fund scholarships to DrupalCon, maintain Drupal.org server infrastructure, and help pay for large community initiatives like the Drupal.org redesign and the migration to Git version control. You can be a part of all of it by becoming a member today!

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